IT-Security in Plain English

The ongoing conncting of systems in our world is progressing continuously. Today, even simple auxiliary activities rely on the use of complex IT systems, for example in logistics with dynamic or chaotic warehousing. Every employee inevitably has to work with IT systems and the data and information stored on them and must learn and master the secure handling of information. However, guidelines on information security are often written in a technical language that is almost incomprehensible to outsiders. In addition, terms in different languages are often interspersed, making understanding even more difficult. This poses particular challenges for some people.

Plain English

Plain English attempts to explain difficult things in a way that is easier to understand. Easy-to-read language consists of short sentences. Each sentence contains only one statement or piece of information. Long sentences should be shortened and simplified. Easy-to-read language uses familiar and meaningful words. Foreign words and technical terms should not be used. Abbreviations are avoided or written out in full. For an important term, the same word is always used. Other words with the same meaning make the text more varied, but make it more difficult to understand. There are several similar rules for Plain English.

Concept for information security

Information security is the task of protecting information.
Information is the data in computers.
Information is also the knowledge in our heads.
There are instructions on how to do this
These instructions are called the Information Security Concept

Who does the concept apply to?

The concept for information security applies everywhere in our company.
The concept applies at every location.
Everyone must adhere to the information security concept.
It doesn't matter where you work or what you do.
This also applies if you only work here temporarily.

What else applies?

The concept does not apply if the law states otherwise.
Then the laws apply.
This concept for information security applies from January 2022.
Older concepts no longer apply.
They will be replaced by this concept.

Our Service

We simplify your German information security concept and your usage guidelines and translate them into plain or simple language. We work with you to develop an easy-to-understand concept to raise your employees' awareness of information security. We develop suitable awareness measures for your employees. We conduct awareness seminars in plain language for your employees.

Please be aware, that we only work with German language texts.